About Us

The RTVC mission is - "to bring a bit of nature to everyone".

In the busy hustle and bustle of modern urban life comes an inevitable disconnect with the countryside and nature. The Thames represents one of the few places in London where those metropolitan pressures can be left behind.

The RTVC through its outreach program wishes to facilitate access onto the Thames and an appreciation of its unique character in the heart of the city. Richmond provides a setting typical of peaceful places on the Thames, where the pace of life seems to slow and your spirits rise.

The exhibition funded and produced entirely by local volunteers is designed to be a place where groups and individuals can display information about their Thames. The information has a diverse variety of topics and with no excuses quality, because it has been provided in the main by the general public. The themes and accuracy of the materials are only loosely overseen by the Curator as participation by the public is the key to this environmental project.

For the past 40 years of the environmental movement, there has been a resistence to the adoption of many ideas and the debate still rages about climate change, nuclear power, access to the countryside and many other topics. But one thing is certain, we obtain all the things we been for life from our environment and we need to work with nature for mankind to have a sustainable future.